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Future Prospects 

So you've come to see what Mister Fedora has in mind, eh? Well let me tell you there's a few goings on that are all more or less already set in motion. Big things are coming, and I don't just mean content creation. I plan (along with a select few partners) to break into retail and the home market. That's right, TWO business in the works right now. At the request of my partners I won't reveal the retail venture until the business is completely solidified and we have two shipments of product in, as we believe it is a largelyy untapped market in the state of Oklahoma and what's more, a completely unique take on the market completely. We don't expect a huge business, but we all believe there is absolutely money to be made in this venture. Hopefully the company should be up and making sales by next spring, but I am pushing very hard for a grand opening this summer, at peak interest for the product.


The housing venture I can be more open about, as it's already been done before plenty of times. In short, we're going to be flipping houses. Now normally you need a high capital to begin this, but I and four other business partners plan to buy our first house to flip in the next two months, with nothing but $1000 down. Pretty low, right? Even better, the whole house is less than 40k. Now you may be thinking "Fedora, this sounds like a slum at that price, you've gotta be getting a raw deal." Normally I would agree with you, but I happen to have already surveyed the house we've settled on and am confident we can put less than fifteen thousand into repairs and flip the entire house for about 90. Forty five thousand is a pretty tidy profit I'd say. Now of course like any investment there's no guarantee on this place, but I along with the three partners of mine are 100% confident we can make at least 20k in profit from this place, and continue using that capital to move up in building quality. We chose this house very similarly to how most of us get our first car: might not be the prettiest, newest, most expensive or the most useful, but It will get you where you need to go. Not one of us has any doubt of it.


Now onto a smaller venture: YouTube. I am currently learning editing software (and very little actually makes much sense to me at this stage of learning) and plan to start pushing content as soon as I am able to produce content that satisfies my quality requirements. I've though about uploading my VOD from twitch and mixer, but nobody likes to watch reruns all the time. Don't worry, I'm putting a lot of effort into this step to ensure you get the best content from me possible.


These are currentlyy all my ventures that I am able to share at this time, but not all I'm working on. A busy Fedora stays that way to make sure everybody's happyy. Still reading? Interested in any of my ventures? Want to help out? Well, if you are that kind of person, I do have a paypal you can donate to. No obligation to do so, don't feel you HAVE to. I will say, however, that every dime I make from donations help to increase the quality og what I do in some way or another; be it new equipment, life improvements, paying the bills, and everything in between. Every cent you put >>> HERE <<< makes my content better. 


P.S. Thank you for taking the time to read all this. I know it's probably a bit boring to go through, and I want you to know I appreciate your time greatly.

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